ASFREE Filters with Nanofibers to Remove Arsenic in Polluted Water ABSTRACT Project Budget: 99.896,10€ Leitat Budget: 56.000€ Financial Framework: PRODUCTE
ASFREE Filters with Nanofibers to Remove Arsenic in Polluted Water ABSTRACT Project Budget: 99.896,10€ Leitat Budget: 56.000€ Financial Framework: PRODUCTE
FLOWPHOTOCHEM Heterogenous Photo(electro)catalysis in Flow using Concentrated Light: modular integrated designs for the production of useful chemicals Website: https://www.flowphotochem.eu/ ABSTRACT
PROGRESSUS Highly efficient and trustworthy components and systems for the next generation energy supply infrastructure Website: under construction ABSTRACT Progressus
ASINA Anticipating Safety Issues at the Design Stage of NAno Product Development Website: www.asina-project.eu ABSTRACT Although previous EU funded projects
NEWSKIN Innovation Eco-system to Accelerate the Industrial Uptake of Advanced Surface Nano- Technologies. Website: www.newskin-oitb.eu ABSTRACT Key Enabling Technologies (KET’s)
SAbyNA Simple, robust and cost-effective approaches to guide industry in the development of safer nanomaterials and nano-enabled products Website: www.sabyna.eu
INTRIDE Soft, Digital and Green Skills for Smart Designers: Designers as Innovative TRIggers for SMEs in the manufacturing sector Website:
SBR Smart Bone Regeneration Website: www.smart-bone-regeneration.eu ABSTRACT Bone reconstruction represents a significant healthcare challenge with autografts not suitable for large
CIRCULARTECH Study to promote the circular economy in the technical textiles sector Website: textils.cat/circulartech/circulartech-objectius/ ABSTRACT The project carries out a
COFBAT Advanced material solutions for safer and long-lasting high capacity Cobalt Free Batteries for stationary storage applications Website: www.cofbat.eu The
SUSINCHAIN Sustainable Insect Chain Website: susinchain.eu ABSTRACT The expected global population growth to 9.1 billion people in 2050 and the
MATEX Research in new MAterials (composite, graphenic & ceramic) and TEXtiles for professional clothing protection against projectiles, environment, fire and
CITY LOOPS Closing the loop for urban material flows Website under construction ABSTRACT CityLoops brings together six ambitious European cities
LUBRINTEL New intelligent lubrication systems for metal processing ABSTRACT The global market demand for lubricants is estimated at 38 million
SUMMER Sustainable management of mesopelagic resources www.summerH2020.eu ABSTRACT The mesopelagic layer is one of the least understood ecosystems on Earth.
TERATROFO Generation of new ingredients and beneficial foods addressed to risk conditions and the global well-being of people with colorectal
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