NOVACELL Research of new generations of cellulose micro and nanoparticles for use in strategic industrial products. ABSTRACT The aim of
NOVACELL Research of new generations of cellulose micro and nanoparticles for use in strategic industrial products. ABSTRACT The aim of
REDEFINE Advanced research to give answer to the challenges of the detergency of the future ABSTRACT The development of a
TRREX Robotics of Extended Range for Flexible Factory The tendencies are changing the companies from mass production oriented to maintaining
CITCOM A Complementary Inspection Technique based on Computer Tomography and Plenoptic Camera for MEMS Components citcom.eu For the latest generation
nTRACK Multimodal nanoparticles for structural and functional tracking of stem cell therapy on muscle regeneration www.n-track.eu Cell therapy offers promising
CEN Centre of Excellence in Nanotechnology leitat.cl/cen Financial Framework: Proyecto financiado por CORFO – Corporación de Fomento de la Producción
FIBERCLEAN Minimization of microfibers in the life cycle of textile products ABSTRACT The FIBERCLEAN project aims to obtain new solutions
LIFE-FLAREX Mitigation of environmental impact caused by Flame Retardant textile finishing chemicals www.life-flarex.eu ABSTRACT LIFE-FLAREX aims to carry out an
COTPA LIPOXIFEED Research and valorisation of fatty products and antioxidants for animal production ABSTRACT The final objective of the project
CARE Personal protection equipment for the control of electrical risk ABSTRACT The main objective of the CARE project is the
QUIROFAM Transformation of the surgery practice by the incorporation of the additive fabrication ABSTRACT The objective of the project is
TRANSPORT R+D+i ecosystem to implement the additive manufacture or 3D impression in transports industry ABSTRACT The objective of the project
REGIREU Research on water regeneration technologies and risk management for reuse www.comunitataigua.cat ABSTRACT The main objective of the Regireu project,
PRO2 Obtaining few rotation and personalized products, pieces and machines for manufacture using additive fabrication ABSTRACT The main objective of
3D TOOLING R&D ecosystem to implement the additive manufacture / 3D impression in the tools production industry ABSTRACT The project
LLAVOR 3D Community for additive manufacturing and 3D printing ABSTRACT The RIS3CAT LLAVOR 3D Community is composed of 31 members
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