Creating Products and Knowledge for the Mediterranean
Since its launch back in June 2017 ODYSSEA, after completing a complex set of preparatory actions, has carried out a
Since its launch back in June 2017 ODYSSEA, after completing a complex set of preparatory actions, has carried out a
“To date, only 2% of the world’s passenger vehicles are electric, due to factors such as limited battery autonomy and
The announcement of the Repair3D Summer School coincided with the escalation of CONVID-19 pandemic and the disruptions brought in every
Wind turbine inspections are important to ensure the safe continued operation of these power generation assets, which are subjected to
FLOWPHOTOCHEM Heterogenous Photo(electro)catalysis in Flow using Concentrated Light: modular integrated designs for the production of useful chemicals Website: https://www.flowphotochem.eu/ ABSTRACT
Shearios is a Horizon 2020 research project developing a robotic climber able to inspect wind turbine blades automatically and remotely.
CoFBAT has had its first General Assembly on 12 May 2020. The meeting took place on an online basis given
The world is facing a hard moment and the COVID19 is changing our daily habits. We spend our days at
IDEAS is an innovative integrated renewable energy system (RES) to cost effectively exceed current RES efficiencies, generating electricity, heat and
On 16th and 17th April, the INTRIDE kick off meeting took place online. INTRIDE aims to develop soft, digital and
PROGRESSUS Highly efficient and trustworthy components and systems for the next generation energy supply infrastructure Website: under construction ABSTRACT Progressus
A consortium of Catalan companies, with the participation of research centers, develops an advanced photovoltaic fabric for use in outdoor
A year ago, LISA, standing for “Lithium sulphur for safe road electrification”, a research and development project, was granted 7.9M€
After one year and a half of execution, the PortForward project finalised the work package 2, which designed the framework
Last week, on the 5th and 6th of February, the consortium of the Repair3D project met at the IRT Jules
The housing sector is a major contributor to current global problems of resource depletion and climate change, representing one of
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