Giving value to stickwater of the fishmeal production process
In the framework of the REFISHEIN project, researchers from Leitat and LEF Ingenieros created a method that extracts, purifies, and
In the framework of the REFISHEIN project, researchers from Leitat and LEF Ingenieros created a method that extracts, purifies, and
Sorigué, in collaboration with Leitat, develops a new technology called Electrowetland to improve the efficiency in the process of elimination
EFLUCOMP Research in cost-efficient technologies based on separation and biological processes for the complex efluents treatment www.comunitataigua.cat ABSTRACT This project
URBAN GreenUP is a EU-funded project that aims at developing, applying and validating a methodology for Renaturing Urban Plans to
DES-BIOMETHANE Obtaining Deep Eutectic Solvents through recovery of industrial waste and its application in the purification of biogas obtained in
LEITAT and LEF INGENIEROS collaborate to recover proteins from stickwater to improve the quality of fishmeal The REFISHEIN project, the
FIBERCLEAN Minimization of microfibers in the life cycle of textile products ABSTRACT The FIBERCLEAN project aims to obtain new solutions
Innovation will be the focus of GROW GREEN, which stands for “Green Cities for Climate and Water Resilience, Sustainable Economic
REGIREU Research on water regeneration technologies and risk management for reuse www.comunitataigua.cat ABSTRACT The main objective of the Regireu project,
WATERTUR Research in technologies for the intelligent and sustainable management of the cycle of the water in tourist facilities www.comunitataigua.cat
RUN4LIFE Recovery and Utilisation of Nutrients 4 Low Impact Fertiliser run4life-project.eu Domestic wastewater (WW) is an important carrier of nutrients
GROW GREEN Green Cities for Climate and Water Resilience, Sustainable Economic Growth, Healthy Citizens and Environments. growgreenproject.eu The frontrunner cities
URBAN GREENUP New Strategy for Re-Naturing Cities through Nature-Based Solutions urbangreenup.eu Urban GreenUP coordinated by CARTIF aims at obtaining a
ODYSSEA Operating a network of integrated observatory systems in the Mediterranean Sea odysseaplatform.eu ODYSSEA will develop, operate and demonstrate an
COMUNITAT AIGUA Community for water treatment www.comunitataigua.cat ABSTRACT The RIS3CAT COMUNITAT AIGUA is a community of 56 entities between companies,
OSMOFOOD Eco-innovative process for the concentration of fruit juice using forward osmosis www.lefingenieros.com/osmofood LEF Ingenieros has been granted to lead
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