Leitat impulsa la producció de biocombustibles a partir del tractament d’aigües residuals i CO₂
El projecte GAIA, basat en la bioelectroconversión microbiana, ha conclòs amb èxit després de tres anys de treball. Aquesta iniciativa
El projecte GAIA, basat en la bioelectroconversión microbiana, ha conclòs amb èxit després de tres anys de treball. Aquesta iniciativa
Recenment ha finalitzat el projecte GO-DIIANA, format per les empreses ZYRCULAR PLANT i IBERINSECT, com a socis industrials, i Leitat
Leitat’s mission to manage technologies to transfer social, environmental, economic and industrial sustainable value for companies and entities cannot be
From the 2nd to the 3rd of December, the EIT Health Summit 2019 will take place in Paris. Our Living
An online networking tool is now available to proposers to find potential partners for proposing a project under the Horizon
“Health, Demographic Change & Wellbeing” challenge in Horizon 2020 Do you intend to prepare a proposal for the challenge in
On the 13th of January 2016, we will attend the European Health Brokerage Event in Paris. Our health expert will
On 29-30th October Vision2020, in collaboration with MedCity and Research Media, will be hosting Health Tech 2020 at London City Hall.
EIT HEALTH www.eithealth.eu EIT Health is one of the largest healthcare initiatives worldwide. The partnership will promote entrepreneurship and develop
LEITAT, as a member of VISION2020, was presented during the H2020 Information Session dedicated to entrepreneurs. The meeting was hosted
LEITAT participated last Friday 14th at the DG Connect in Brussels to the Information and Networking event about Organic Electronics
Horizon 2020, the EU’s new programme for investment in research and innovation, is expected to dedicate more than 7 billion
At LEITAT we know that sky is not the limit, technology breakthrough has taken man even to the outer space.
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