Newsletter SAbyNA
The first SAbyNA Newsletter is here Finally, the first Newsletter of the SAbyNA project has arrived, where you can find
The first SAbyNA Newsletter is here Finally, the first Newsletter of the SAbyNA project has arrived, where you can find
In Power The In Power project has come to an end with very positive results. We know that a picture
The €6.1 million project INNO4COV-19 is committed to supporting the commercialization of new products across Europe for combating COVID-19 over
The Horizon 2020 project ROBINSON –Smart integration of local energy sources and innovative storage for flexible, secure and cost-efficient energy
In the framework of the MIDES project, developing an energy-efficient system of freshwater production using Microbial Desalination Cells (MDCs), several
IMPAQT aims to develop and validate in-situ a multi-purpose, multi-sensing and multi-functional management platform for sustainable Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture production.The
The PortForward project aims to develop the the Port of the Future. It will be able to enhance sustainable development
ROBINSON Smart integRation Of local energy sources and innovative storage for flexiBle, secure and cost-efficIent eNergy Supply ON industrialized islands
After 4 years, Spanish collaborative RETO project POWER2BIOMETHANE, with LEITAT, NATURGY, UPC-SEER, and DUTT is closed. An intensive collaboration allows
Recently implemented rules regarding the COVID-19 pandemic oblige us to wear a protective mask in many public places. But many
Buildings play a significant role in the global energy balance. Typically, they account for 20–30% of the total primary energy
The Catalan company ECima has created a technical fabric that allows the temperature to be cooled automatically without being connected
On the 13th of July, a research team from the Democritus University of Thrace deployed successfully an underwater monitoring system
The first phase of the INTRIDE project aimed at making our business and academic environment assessing which competences and skills
FlowPhotoChem, a multi-national research project led by NUI Galway, has been awarded €6.99million in funding under the Nanotechnologies, Advanced Materials,
Since its launch back in June 2017 ODYSSEA, after completing a complex set of preparatory actions, has carried out a
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