Basic information on data protection

Additional information on data protection​

Who is the data controller in charge of processing your personal data?

For which purposes do we process your data?

  • To manage contracted services and conduct opinion and satisfaction surveys.
  • To send commercial and promotional messages.
  • Information Channel Management. We have an information channel which ensures the right of people to report incidents, misconduct and other substantially incorrect behaviour. As provided for in the current regulations, these communications may be anonymous. If the complainant is identified, we shall only process his data in order to process the communication and draw up the corresponding report. Under no circumstances will it use this data for purposes other than communication management and will it retain the time necessary to carry out the purpose or legal obligation. The legitimisation of this treatment is the fulfilment of a legal obligation.

What is the lawful basis for the processing of your data?

  • Contractual relationship between Leitat and the user at the time of executing the contracted service. To carry out the contracted service, you must provide us with the personal data requested. If you do not provide us with your personal data, the contracted service may not be provided.
  • Your free, specific, informed and unequivocal consent.

To which recipients do we disclose your data?

Your data will be processed exclusively by Leitat with the following exception: the data you provide may be disclosed to third parties for the fulfilment of purposes directly related to the contracted service indicated above between Leitat and the data transferor, such as entities or bodies to which there is a legal obligation. No transfers will be made to third countries outside the European Union without your consent.

For how long do we retain your data?

The personal data you provide will be retained for as long as there is a mutual interest to maintain the purpose of the processing, or when it is necessary to retain the data due to legal obligations. When the retention is no longer necessary, your data will be deleted with the appropriate security measures to guarantee its pseudonymisation or total destruction.

What are your rights when you provide us with your personal data?

Contact details for exercising these rights: