LEITAT @ workshop on Nanotechnology, Risk Control and Legislation
The workshop on Nanotechnology, Risk control and legislation organized by the Spanish association of chemical industry (FEIQUE), was introduced by
The workshop on Nanotechnology, Risk control and legislation organized by the Spanish association of chemical industry (FEIQUE), was introduced by
GP WIND Good practice in reconciling WIND energy with environmental objectives and community engagement ABSTRACT This project will address barriers
BOATCYCLE Management, recycling and recovery of wastes of recreational boat scrapping ABSTRACT The project’s main objective is to reduce the
NANOPOLYTOX Toxicological impact of nanomaterials derived from processing, weathering and recycling of polymer nanocomposites used in various industrial applications ABSTRACT
The results of GREENING BOOKS project will be presented to demonstrate how can industry assess, improve and communicate the environmental
ECOLABEL-FURNITURE susproc.jrc.ec.europa.eu/furniture/ ABSTRACT The criteria of the EU Ecolabel for Wooden Furniture 2009/894/EC: Commission Decision of 30 November 2009 and
ECOLABEL-ECOSHAMPOOS Revision of Ecolabel and development of GPP criteria for “Soaps, shampoos and hair conditioners” susproc.jrc.ec.europa.eu/soaps_and_shampoos ABSTRACT LEITAT will perform a
RECOVERY Recovery of Obsolete Vessels not used in the Fishing Trade ec.europa.eu/environment/ ABSTRACT The consortium led by COWI was awarded
LADECO Laundry Detergents Eco-labelling ec.europa.eu/environment/ ABSTRACT A new washing performance test to be integrated in the reviewed EU Ecolabel Award
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