FENTO3 Reduction of the environmental impact of industrial effluents and urban wastewater treatment plants www.fento3.com ABSTRACT The FENTO3 project develops
FENTO3 Reduction of the environmental impact of industrial effluents and urban wastewater treatment plants www.fento3.com ABSTRACT The FENTO3 project develops
CERAMPOL Project was highlighted in the last release of INTERNATIONAL INNOVATION Magazine. Within the 3-page article, Drs. Izabel Alfany and
Demonstrating integrated innovative technologies for an optimal and safe closed water cycle in Mediterranean tourist facilities
Cost-Effective sensors, interoperable with international existing ocean observing systems to meet EU policies.
Integrated water treatment in a one-stage oxidative-adsorptive process to degrade and remove harmful substances
Microbial fuel cell technologies for combined wastewater sludge treatment and energy production
Regeneration and reuse of runoff and drainage water in agricultural plots by combined natural water treatment systems
Concentrated Saline Rejection Treatment: Environmental Technology using a non profitable solid waste as energy source
Electrochemical WAter treatment system in the dairy industry with hydroGEN REcovery and electricity production
VECTORS Vectors of changes in ocean and seas marine life, impact on economic sectors www.marine-vectors.eu ABSTRACT Marine life makes a
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