Integrated water treatment in a one-stage oxidative-adsorptive process to degrade and remove harmful substances
OxFloc aims to reduce treatment costs by at least 30% while offering modular installation and application engineering at a price below comparable State-of-Art processes. OxFloc systems will have a quantified superior environmental benefit, a smaller plant footprint, lower operation costs and enable 100% water recycling as they work without salt-carrying chemicals.
Not all industrial wastewaters are the same, but many carry a mix of toxic chemicals, non-biodegradable components and hormones e.g. tenside, flame resistants, pharmaceuticals, pesticides and heavy metals. Therefore, industrial effluents need significant treatment before they can be discharged to a municipal waste water treatment plant.
Our OxFloc system is a one-stage combined flocculation-oxidation process that needs no chemicals because electrolytic production of the iron catalyst, as well as hydrogen peroxide, takes place in the reactor itself.
Project Budget: 1’491’316,12 €
LEITAT Budget: 317’600 €
Financial Framework: FP7
Contract number: 606216
Start Date: 01/09/2013
End Date: 31/08/2015

Contact Manager: L. Valentin