Reunió a M24 del projecte Net-Fuels a Graz, Àustria
Els socis del projecte Net-Fuels s’han reunit els dies 13 i 14 de novembre de 2024 a Graz (Àustria) per
Els socis del projecte Net-Fuels s’han reunit els dies 13 i 14 de novembre de 2024 a Graz (Àustria) per
El consorci BIOMETHAVERSE, format per 22 socis, es va reunir a Barcelona del 27 al 29 de novembre a les
El consorci del projecte Fuels-C, format per 11 socis, es va reunir els dies 10 i 11 de desembre de
Predicting the effects of climate change on the crop microbiome and the cascading effects on the provision of ecosystem services
On November 4, 2024, the SOLO project consortium gathered in Sofia, Bulgaria, to align efforts in promoting sustainable soil management
On July 2-3, 2024, the ALGAESOL project consortium, consisting of seven partners, gathered at NORCE in Bergen, Norway, to align
Geothermal source thermal energy for cooling and heating in industries with steam Abstract: The GeoS-TECHIS project targets the decarbonization of
On June 5-7, 2024, the SOILGUARD project consortium gathered in Potsdam, Germany, to review progress on creating a global framework
The consortium of the RAWMINA project, consisting of 19 partners, gathered on June 18, 2024, in SAXONIA, Freiberg, Germany, to
Los miembros del proyecto X-Seed durante el pasado Kick-Off meeting del proyecto.
El consorci del projecte VIVALDI, format per 10 socis, es va reunir de l’11 al 13 de juny de 2024
The consortium of FERTIMANURE project, consisting of 21 partners, gathered on April 16th-17th, 2024, in Brussels for its final event.
Electronic Components and Systems for flexible, coordinated and resilient Distributed Renewable Energy Systems Abstract: ECS4DRES targets the ambitious objective of
An integrated platform of novel cost and energy-efficient conversion technologies producing liquid and gaseous bioFUELS from sustainable biogenic residues validated
Sustainable aviation and shipping fuels from microalgae and direct solar BES technologies Website: https://algaesol.eu/ Abstract: ALGAESOL will develop and evaluate
Battery Material Characterisation and Digital Twins for Cell to Pack Performance in Agile Manufacturing Pilot Lines and Automotive Field Website:
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