Report from the Nanosafety conference in Malaga co-organised by five FP7 projects
The week of 6th–9th February saw the European nanosafety community converge in Malaga for the “New Tools and Approaches for
The week of 6th–9th February saw the European nanosafety community converge in Malaga for the “New Tools and Approaches for
Shape the industrial agenda of tomorrow at this event on 28 February in Brussels. 400 participants, key industrial players, global
El pasado miércoles 22 de febrero de 2017 tuvo lugar en la sede del Centro Tecnológico Leitat en Terrassa la
The Final Dissemination Event of STEP-2-SPORT project took place on 21st February 2017 in Brussels at the Delegation of the
The European workshop on nanotechnologies & advanced materials for batteries, organized by the European projects MAT4BAT, ALION, and BASMATI, with
Smart Systems Integration is the international communication platform for research institutes and manufacturers to exchange know-how on Smart Systems Integration
Last Friday, on the 7th of January, the EU-funded COMMON SENSE project organised a demonstration event in Barcelona hosted by
EMIRI launches ‘EMIRI Tech Talk’ starting with Batteries for Energy Storage (stationary & e-mobility)! The objective of EMIRI Tech Talk
Here is the corrected version of your text, with the proper encoding for special characters: As our Printed Electronics Group
Des d’INDESCAT tenim el plaer de convidar-vos a EFISport 2017, la 5a jornada en eficiència energètica a instal·lacions esportives,
El próximo 22 de febrero, junto con el MINECO, LEITAT organiza una jornada-taller dirigida a empresas interesadas en conocer el
Quality Energy Solutions (QES), con la colaboración del Centro Tecnológico LEITAT, organiza un curso orientado a formar expertos en gestión
On the 21st of January, the Step2Sport project will hold its final meeting in Brussels at the Delegation of the
The EU-funded COMMON SENSE project will host a demonstration event and final partner meeting in Barcelona, Spain, on January 27,
El día 14 de diciembre de 2016, el proyecto REAGRITECH organiza su jornada final para presentar sus resultados, así como
EUROMAT is the premier international congress in the field of materials in Europe. The 2017 edition will be held in
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