Congreso Nacional de Acuicultura: Bridging Circular Economy and Aquaculture
From the 7th to the 10th of May, the XVIIth Spanish National Congress of Aquaculture is taking place in Cartagena
From the 7th to the 10th of May, the XVIIth Spanish National Congress of Aquaculture is taking place in Cartagena
SELECTIVELI Conceptual Study of Electrochemical based novel process using Lignosulfonates to produce bio-based monomers & polymers Webiste: selectiveli-project.uni-mainz.de ABSTRACT SELECTIVELI
alchemia-nova, member of the HOUSEFUL project, has launched a series of stand-up innovation events to boost the uptake of circular
Currently, several grants are available to companies eager to develop R&D projects in the field of circular economy. During this
«If we want to help make a better world with water technology, the entire value chain needs to be aligned
India-H20 is a bilateral project between the EU and India and aims to develop, design and demonstrate high-recovery, low-cost water
PACTEX Project: Publication of the «Guide for the establishment of synergies between the packaging and textile sectors» The PACTEX Project,
MICTEST Biocontamination Survey for Microbially Influenced Corrosion Exposure Tests Website: mictest.eu ABSTRACT Microbially influenced corrosion (MIC) is a costly problem
CUSTOMISIZE New tailor-made sizing strategies for recycled carbon fibres to improve the mechanical properties of polymeric and cementitious composites Website:
This event will bring together experts in the field of bioelectrochemical systems to reveal the capacities of these technologies in
GREENER InteGRated Systems for Effective ENvironmEntal Remediation Website: www.greener-h2020.eu ABSTRACT Increasing chemical pollution seriously compromises the health of ecosystems and
On the 12th and 13th of January, the REPAIR 3D consortium met to launch officially the research project. REPAIR 3D
Bringing nature back into cities can help fight global warming Original article from Urban GreenUP project. Fighting climate change is
Today, the consortium of the BIOCON-CO2 project is meeting in Ramla (Israel). The event is the 12M meeting of the
HOUSEFUL project’s team created a video to explain the importance of the impact of the housing sector and the changes
The WATERTUR project will implement intelligent and innovative water treatment and monitoring systems to facilitate the savings and sustainable management
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