Models, Solutions, Methods and Tools for Energy-Aware Design
NEXTEC Next Generation Nano-engineered Thermoelectric Converters ABSTRACT The objective is to use nanotechnology to improve the component materials of TE
At LEITAT we know that sky is not the limit, technology breakthrough has taken man even to the outer space.
CSSL Consumerizing Solid State Lighting www.consumerizingssl.eu ABSTRACT The main objective of CSSL project (Consumering Solid State Lighting) is to develop
GP WIND Good practice in reconciling WIND energy with environmental objectives and community engagement ABSTRACT This project will address barriers
EPHOCELL Efficient Photovoltaic Cells ABSTRACT EPHOCELL project will develop optical elements capable of converting solar radiation not useful for a
LEITAT Technological Center presented DSSC benchmark at European PV Solar Energy Conference in Paris.
LEITAT, TECNIO member, presented a study,
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