Ocean 2030 : Sustainable Development Goals and the Ocean Business Community
SOS 2016 provides a global platform for leadership companies and organizations to advance the development and implementation of industry-driven solutions
SOS 2016 provides a global platform for leadership companies and organizations to advance the development and implementation of industry-driven solutions
Today, on the 25th of November, the Forum biocat is taking place in Barcelona at the Palau de Congressos de
As the highlight of EIT Health’s first year of activities, the Summit – that will take place on 23-24 November
Aprofita la possibilitat d’accedir als Cupons d’Ecoinnovació de la Generalitat: un 80% de subvenció per fer actuacions que comportin beneficis
If you would like to meet us at the iwater Summit in Barcelona, get in touch with us and request
Devices for NeuroControl and NeuroRehabilitation Today neuromodulation therapy is typically perceived as a treatment of the last resort. DeNeCoR
VII Jornada de la Innovación en Cataluña El 28 de octubre, a las 9:30, comienza la VII Jornada de la
For the second edition of the IOT Solutions World Congress, LEITAT will be present at different levels! Our researcher will
Las industrias textiles y de detergentes se unen para abordar la presencia de microplásticos de nuestros tejidos en el mar!
¡Empiezan las visitas guiadas STEP-2-SPORT! El proyecto STEP-2-SPORT tiene como objetivo promover la renovación energética de los edificios deportivos existentes
The Nanomedicine European Technology Platform will meet in Heraklion (Greece) for its 11th annual event from the 12th to the
The European Technology Platform on Smart Systems Integration – EPoSS – will celebrate its 10th anniversary with the General Assembly
El 18 de octubre de 2016, LEITAT y CDTI organizan una jornada conjunta para presentar a las empresas españolas las
On the 6th and 7th of October, EIT Health is organising a bilateral meeting between Spain and Scandinavia in Barcelona.
This 2016, Aspetar, FC Barcelona, and Leitat have been collaborating to gather some of the most internationally recognized specialists and
The Call for Abstracts for the New Tools and Approaches for Nanomaterial Safety Assessment: A joint conference organized by NANOSOLUTIONS,
Sede Central Leitat
C/ de la Innovació, 2
08225 Terrassa, (Barcelona)
Tel. (+34) 937 882 300