Meet us at the ETPN2016 Annual Event in Heraklion

The Nanomedicine European Technology Platform will meet in Heraklion (Greece) for its 11th annual event from the 12th to the 14th of October 2016: 3 days to meet the European Nanomedicine community! Click here to meet us.

After the 10th anniversary of its annual event in Dublin in 2015, The European Technology Platform on Nanomedicine (ETPN) is happy to invite you to ETPN2016 in Heraklion, Crete. This year, we are organizing this event in close collaboration with The Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser (IESL) of the Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas (FORTH).

ETPN2016 is the unique place to discover, meet, network, prepare new projects, and brainstorm about Nanomedicine and its industrial expansion, all in a cool and friendly atmosphere. Among the key presentations on schedule this year, you will notably learn about the achievements of the different components of the Nanomedicine Translation Hub, initiated by ETPN, such as the Translation Advisory Board, EUNCL, the Pilot Lines, and many other key actions dedicated to Nanomedicine and MedTech stakeholders. You will also be offered various opportunities to present your innovative projects throughout the three days, as well as nice social events for networking in a friendly atmosphere.


  • Current trends in nanomedicine from bench to bedside
  • Focus on Translation tools
  • Quality by design
  • Interfacing KETs for healthcare
  • Selected abstracts in Nanomedicine
  • Top-level invited speakers


  • Heraklion, Greece
  • Atlantis Aquila Hotel conference center
  • Bringing the Nanomedicine community together in a single location
  • Visit of FORTH – IESL


  • Patrick Boisseau (ETPN, CEA)
  • Laurent Levy (ETPN, Nanobiotix)
  • Prof. Spiros H. Anastasiadis (FORTH-IESL)
  • Prof. Anna Mitraki (FORTH-IESL)
  • Georgina Kaklamani (FORTH-IESL)
  • Alexandre Ceccaldi (ETPN)

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