Innovative High tEmperAture ThErmal stoRage for iNdustrial AppLications ABSTRACT Industrial processes in the EU released 351 Mtons CO2e in 2020,
Innovative High tEmperAture ThErmal stoRage for iNdustrial AppLications ABSTRACT Industrial processes in the EU released 351 Mtons CO2e in 2020,
TRIANKLE 3D BIOPRINTED PERSONALISED SCAFFOLDS FOR TISSUE REGENERATION OF ANKLE JOINT Website: https://triankle.eu/ ABSTRACT Tendinopathies and osteoarthritis (OA) are extremely
AM4BAT Gen. 4b Solid State Li-ion Battery By Additive Manufacturing Website: https://am4batproject.eu/ ABSTRACT AM4BAT will develop innovative component materials and
3DFOOD-EVOLUTION Design of innovative 3D printed food formulations based on functional ingredients for personalized nutrition solutions of specific target populations.
3D ONCOCHIP Tumour-on-chip: one-person-trial for drug efficacy The project aims at developing up-scalable and standardized tumor-on-chip offering high-level in-vitro human
READI: Red de Excelencia en Fabricación Aditiva ABSTRACT La red READI se centra en facilitar, potenciar y acelerar la integración
SBR Smart Bone Regeneration Website: www.smart-bone-regeneration.eu ABSTRACT Bone reconstruction represents a significant healthcare challenge with autografts not suitable for large
MAYA Manufacturing of the lining panel using hybrid technologies; Additive manufacturing, injection moulding and thermoforming ABSTRACT MAYA project main objective
BASE3D ABSTRACT Els projectes que formen part de l’agrupació BASE3D es basen en diferents contextos a desenvolupar. Si bé l’objectiu
REPAIR 3D Recycling and Repurposing of Plastic Waste for Advanced 3D Printing Applications ABSTRACT The project aims the development of
QUIROFAM Transformation of the surgery practice by the incorporation of the additive fabrication ABSTRACT The objective of the project is
TRANSPORT R+D+i ecosystem to implement the additive manufacture or 3D impression in transports industry ABSTRACT The objective of the project
PRO2 Obtaining few rotation and personalized products, pieces and machines for manufacture using additive fabrication ABSTRACT The main objective of
3D TOOLING R&D ecosystem to implement the additive manufacture / 3D impression in the tools production industry ABSTRACT The project
LLAVOR 3D Community for additive manufacturing and 3D printing ABSTRACT The RIS3CAT LLAVOR 3D Community is composed of 31 members
AMICE Alliance for Advanced Manufacturing in Central Europe www.interreg-central.eu/AMiCE ABSTRACT Advanced manufacturing technologies are a key driver of competitiveness in
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