Community for additive manufacturing and 3D printing
The RIS3CAT LLAVOR 3D Community is composed of 31 members and cumulate a budget of almost € 11M with the aim to accelerate the development and adoption of additive manufacturing and 3D printing technologies by the industry. The Community is co-financed by the Generalitat de Catalunya (ACCIÓ), through a grant of 3.8 M€ from the FEDER fund.
For companies, these technologies represent an alternative to design, develop and produce new products that strengthen their competitiveness. The Action Plan of the Community foresees technological developments in the sectors of tool manufacturing, improvement of products and industrial processes, transport and health.
Within the projects of the LLAVOR 3D Community, new software tools, new materials, more efficient and versatile production processes, new post processes and surface treatments as well as new 3D printing applications will be developed, contributing to the creation of an R&D ecosystem in additive manufacturing technologies reinforcing the position of Catalonia as an international benchmark.
The LLAVOR 3D Community is part of the RIS3CAT strategy, whose main objective is research and innovation for the smart specialization of Catalonia, in response to the European Union’s demand.
Project Budget: 10’937’000 €
Leitat Budget: 1’472’640 €
Financial Framework: RIS3CAT
Contract number: COM16-1-0002
Start Date: 01/07/2017
End Date: 30/06/2020

Contact Manager: I. Ortiz

Aquest projecte està cofinançat pel Fons Europeus de Desenvolupament Regional de la Unió Europea en el marc del Programa Operatiu FEDER de Catalunya 2014-2020 amb un ajut de 3.8M€.