Transformation of the surgery practice by the incorporation of the additive fabrication
The objective of the project is the transformation of surgical practice through the incorporation of Additive Manufacturing (AM) in three levels: models of surgical test to allow the viabilization of interventions and to reduce the time of these processes, guides and implants (plastic and metallic) for reconstructive surgery and bioactive implants for the regeneration of non-viable living tissues.
For this reason, it is necessary to improve the process of obtaining and modeling virtual solids before their printing to make it faster. Surgical testing models are then being able to be multimaterials, with varying degrees of opacity, color, hardness and other parameters linked to the mimicking of living tissues, and ultimately they will reach the objective of being a pre-surgery tool.
Finally, technological evolution at the biomedical level requires solutions in AM in regenerative surgery with equipment capable of printing biocompatible / bioabsorbable components, for replacement / regeneration of living tissue.
Project Budget: 2.573.476,55 €
LEITAT Budget: 192.921,03 €
Financial Framework: RIS3CAT
Contract number: COMRDI16-1-0011
Start Date: 01/07/2017
End Date: 30/06/2020

Contact Manager: I. Ortiz

Aquest projecte està cofinançat pel Fons Europeus de Desenvolupament Regional de la Unió Europea en el marc del Programa Operatiu FEDER de Catalunya 2014-2020 amb un ajut de 1.117.768,32 €.