L’empresa biofarmacèutica ONCOMATRYX Biopharma i Leitat col·laboren en el projecte NEXTOM, que té com a objectiu el desenvolupament de nous...
En una era en què la ciència i la tecnologia exerceixen un paper fonamental en el benestar de les futures...
El proyecto ONCO_IVD tiene como objetivo el diseño y la validación de un nuevo test de cribado para la detección...
The TRiAnkle project consortium, comprising 12 dedicated partners, gathered on 11–12 December 2024 at Fraunhofer IGB in Stuttgart, Germany, to...
On 13th-14th June 2024, the PrecisionTox project consortium, consisting of 15 partners, gathered in Flagey, Brussels, Belgium, to advance the...
The consortium of the StretchBio project, consisting of 5 partners, gathered on April 24, 2024, in an online meeting to...
The SBR project consortium, consisting of 10 partners, gathered online on February 8, 2024, to review progress in developing a...
The €6.1 million project INNO4COV-19 is committed to supporting the commercialization of new products across Europe for combating COVID-19 over...
Today, Friday, 8th June is Batten Disease Family Association Awareness Day. Saturday 9th is International Batten Disease Awareness Day. You...
The OActive project intends to make a significant leap forward adopting a multi-scale holistic analysis where patient-specific information from various...
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