El Foro de la Innovación Tecnológica del Sector del Agua se reúne en Leitat
Hoy se reúne el foro de la innovación tecnológica del sector agua en la sede de LEITAT en Terrassa. Durante
Hoy se reúne el foro de la innovación tecnológica del sector agua en la sede de LEITAT en Terrassa. Durante
Join us at demEAUmed Final Conference in Barcelona on the 18th ofd May where results, benefits and opportunities of demEAUmed
In a recent publication of the European Commission entitled “LIFE and the Circular Economy”, the BOATCYCLE project has been selected
MIDWOR-LIFE is a project co-funded by the LIFE+ programme that aims to reduce the impact on the environment, human health,
El objetivo principal del proyecto NOVOFUEL es el desarrollo y validación de las propiedades energéticas de nuevos tipos de Combustibles
Join us at demEAUmed Final Conference in Barcelona on the 18th ofd May where results, benefits and opportunities of demEAUmed
International Conference on Microplastic Pollution in the Mediterranean Sea (μMED) Date: September 26–29, 2017 Location: Capri (NA), Italy The μMED
Un consorcio de investigación internacional liderado por el Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Barcelona del CSIC ha obtenido aplicaciones
The week of 6th–9th February saw the European nanosafety community converge in Malaga for the “New Tools and Approaches for
The EUROTAPES project is coming to an end in February 2017, and the project consortium is meeting in Barcelona from
Starting 2017 there’s still time to set up some New Year’s resolutions. See how the projects of the EASME are
Des d’INDESCAT tenim el plaer de convidar-vos a EFISport 2017, la 5a jornada en eficiència energètica a instal·lacions esportives,
Quality Energy Solutions (QES), con la colaboración del Centro Tecnológico LEITAT, organiza un curso orientado a formar expertos en gestión
The Green INSTRUCT project is developing a prefabricated modular structural building block that is superior to conventional precast reinforced concrete
El 31 de diciembre de 2016, el Diari de Terrassa publicó un artículo sobre el proyecto REAGRITECH. Pulse aquí para
On the 21st of January, the Step2Sport project will hold its final meeting in Brussels at the Delegation of the
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