All Roads for Printed Electronics Lead to Berlin! Meet Basmati project!
Printed Electronics is one of the fastest growing technologies in the world. It is of vital interest to industries as
Printed Electronics is one of the fastest growing technologies in the world. It is of vital interest to industries as
Power supply to become more efficient, more stable and more secure: European research project headed by Infineon successfully completed! Highly
ALISE, the European Research Project on Lithium-Sulfur Batteries for electric vehicles, presented its recent activities and poster during the EU
ESEE_Poster_NEF2015_02_V1 The ESEE project for Environmental Sensors for Energy Efficiency, won the 2nd place at the European Nanoelectronics Forum that
The 2nd general assembly of the ALION project on Aluminium-Ion took place on the 10th and 11th of December 2015
Durante las dos últimas décadas, ha existido un gran interés en desarrollar capas superconductoras de YBCO para fabricar cintas superconductoras
In a recent news, IDTechEx, a company providing research and business intelligence in the field of printed electronics and energy,
Press release: December 2015 The EC-funded COMMON SENSE project is making continuous progress towards a new future for marine monitoring.
IREC, the Institute for Research in Energy of Catalonia is organising an Electrochemical Energy Storage Workshop in Barcelona on the
The E2SG project was awawrded with the ECSEL Innovation Award at the European Nanoelectronics Forum that took place in Berlin
BASMATI, a H2020 funded research project on large scale nanoinks manufacturing for high throughput low cost flexible printed batteries, is
The Packaging Cluster is a tool to understand a business, promote actions to improve the competitiveness of companies and make
The European Materials Research Society (EMRS) is holding from 2nd to 6th of May 2016 its Spring meeting in Lille,
The Alliance for Internet of Things innovation organises this Open day to inform about the work of its working group
From the 12th to the 13th of November, the consortium of the ALISE, the only reserach project on lithium-sulphur batteries
During the Connect-EU Day, which took place in Barcelona on 27/10/2015, the Chief Superintendent Alícia Moriana of the Senior Office
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