Smart erosion shield for electro-mechanical de-icers
The scientific and technological workshop of the EU-China Coordinated Support Action GRAIN2 (GRAIN2: GReener Aeronautics International Networking 2) addresses greening
Biological Foundation for the Safety Classification of Engineered Nanomaterials (ENM): Systems Biology Approaches to Understand Interactions of ENM with Living
WDS Eco-Efficient Dry Wool Scouring with total by-products recovery ABSTRACT Wool is a natural fibre obtained from sheep, which
REACHNANO Development of a web based REACH Toolkit to support the chemical safety assessment of nanomaterials ABSTRACT The overall aim
European development of Superconducting Tapes: integrationg novel materials and architectures into cost effective processes for power applications and magnets
Ceramic and polymeric membrane for water purification of heavy metal and hazardous organic compounds
Integration of Bio-Conversion and Separation Technology for the production and application of platform chemicals from 2nd generation biomass.
Development of methodology for alternative testing strategies for the assessment of the toxicological profile of nanoparticles used in medical diagnostics
3D LIGHT TRANS Large scale manufacturing technology for highperformance lightweight 3D multifunctional composites ABSTRACT The 3D-LighTrans project’s objective is
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