BATRAW Recycling Of End Of Life Battery Packs For Domestic Raw Material Supply Chains And Enhanced Circular Economy Website:

ASTRAL Winter School

ASTRAL Winter School ASTRAL The ASTRAL project is delighted to invite you to participate in the in-person Winter School titled

NINFA news!

NINFA news! NINFA The NINFA Project has selected 8 captivating case studies to showcase its groundbreaking solutions for tackling pollution

HEATERNAL kick off meeting

HEATERNAL kick off meeting The innovative High tEmperAture ThErmal stoRage for iNdustrial AppLications project ambition is to propose a viable

Lebanon Innovate – Press Release

Lebanon Innovate – Press Release Lebanon Innovate Lebanon innovate: Revitalizing Lebanon’s entrepreneurial ecosystem and productive sectors. On March 8th, the


Proyecto ATLÁNTIDA Leitat acogió el pasado 27 de junio la reunión de cierre del primer hito del proyecto CIEN ATLÁNTIDA,

ZABAT Project

ZABAT Project Next generation rechargeable and sustainable zinc-air batteries (ZABAT) Popular Science Description Energy storage technologies are essential to reach