COFBAT Webinar: Final prototype and market potentials
The third and final online webinar will take place on the 29th of February 2024 via TEAMS. The one-hour webinar
The third and final online webinar will take place on the 29th of February 2024 via TEAMS. The one-hour webinar
The EU-funded project C4B, Circular Bio-Based Business models to create high-value Bio-based products in integrated value chains, has officially started.
Circular and innovative production of microalgae-based fuels for shipping and aviation COCPIT is a new EU funded project supporting sustainable
Desarrollo de una fórmula basada en una combinación de factores de crecimiento para regeneración de úlceras crónicas. El 15 de
Lebanon Innovate Project, in which Leitat is one of the main partners, is recruiting an External Expert for the EU-funded
Innovative bio/geo-sourced, re-used and recycled Products coupled with BIM-based digital platform for very low carbon construction, circular economy, energy and
Partiran d´una primera versió del producte desenvolupat per Biel Glasses, que perfeccionaran amb les aportacions dels equips de l´Institut de
Una iniciativa per la reutilització i upcycling de teles impreses post-consum. El projecte liderat per ARTPLAY compte amb la col·laboració
El consorcio liderado por Flomics Biotech, en el cual participan el Biobanco del Sistema Sanitario Público de Andalucía (SSPA) y
Leitat Technological Center together with industry partner ReadyCell S.L. and public research institution Vall d’Hebron Institute of Research (VHIR) –
El clúster del materials tèxtils avançats de Catalunya, l’AEI TÈXTILS juntament amb el Packaging Clúster i amb la col·laboració del
Leitat Technological Center together with industry partner Readycell and public research institution Vall d’Hebron Institut de Recerca (VHIR) recently celebrated
INTEGRATED Digital Framework FOR Comprehensive MARITIME DATA AND INFORMATION SERVICES ABSTRACT ILIAD builds on the assets resulting from two decades
Smart Energy Solutions For Africa Website: sesa-euafrica.eu ABSTRACT SESA will facilitate a structured co-development process, which starts with the co-development
Measuring Envelope Products And Systems Contributing To Next Generation Of Healthy Nearly Zero Energy Buildings Website: mezeroe.eu ABSTRACT MEZeroE is
El centro tecnológico Leitat participa en el nuevo proyecto Cervera “H2ENRY”, que tiene como objetivo impulsar la investigación y la
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