Development of methodology for alternative testing strategies for the assessment of the toxicological profile of nanoparticles used in medical diagnostics
Development of methodology for alternative testing strategies for the assessment of the toxicological profile of nanoparticles used in medical diagnostics
Clean Last mile transport and logistics management for smart and Efficient local Governments in Europe
Post-Doc: Estudio e realizzazione di innovativi dispositivi fotovoltaici basati su tecnologia a concentrazione luminescente di nuova generazione
Nanostructured ThermoElectric Systems for Green Transport & Energy Efficient Applications
Energy for a green society: from sustainable harvesting to smart distribution, equipments, materials, design solutions and their applications
Integration of Novel NANOparticle based technology for THERapeutics and diagnosi of different types of cancer.
GREENUP Improvement of the recycling polyester and leather tanning processes for products focused on the accomplishment of automotive recyclable upholstery
ELVISUSTECH End Life Vehicles: Innovative and Sustainable Technology for achieving European Directive Targets ABSTRACT This project focuses on green and
NEXTEC Next Generation Nano-engineered Thermoelectric Converters ABSTRACT The objective is to use nanotechnology to improve the component materials of TE
3D LIGHT TRANS Large scale manufacturing technology for highperformance lightweight 3D multifunctional composites ABSTRACT The 3D-LighTrans project’s objective is
GREENING BOOKS Improving the environmental performance of publications from design to lecture Greening books’ objective is to improve the environmental
VECTORS Vectors of changes in ocean and seas marine life, impact on economic sectors ABSTRACT Marine life makes a
GRAIN GReener Aeronautics International Networking ABSTRACT The main objectives of GRAIN are to identify and assess the future development
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