Leitat Technological Center will join the Clúster TIC Catalunya Sud as a member this March. The agreement was finalized during...
Els socis del projecte Net-Fuels s’han reunit els dies 13 i 14 de novembre de 2024 a Graz (Àustria) per...
L’empresa biofarmacèutica ONCOMATRYX Biopharma i Leitat col·laboren en el projecte NEXTOM, que té com a objectiu el desenvolupament de nous...
El consorci BIOMETHAVERSE, format per 22 socis, es va reunir a Barcelona del 27 al 29 de novembre a les...
In an era where science and technology play a fundamental role in the well-being of future generations, the GUTBABI project...
El consorci del projecte Fuels-C, format per 11 socis, es va reunir els dies 10 i 11 de desembre de...
The ZABAT Project, a pioneering initiative led by Leitat, recently held a pivotal consortium meeting at Politechnika Wrocławska (PWR) Poland,...
The technology center has obtained the accreditation from the International Automobile Federation to homologate protective clothing for both drivers and...
The battery researcher at Leitat, Bruno Marín Martínez, has provided an update on the latest advancements of ZABAT project, and...
Predicting the effects of climate change on the crop microbiome and the cascading effects on the provision of ecosystem services...
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