Finalitza el Projecte GO-DIIANA
Recentment ha finalitzat el projecte GO DIIANA format per les empreses ZYRCULAR PLANT i IBERINSECT, com a socis industrials, i LEITAT com a
Recentment ha finalitzat el projecte GO DIIANA format per les empreses ZYRCULAR PLANT i IBERINSECT, com a socis industrials, i LEITAT com a
LEINFRA R&D ACTUACIÓ 1 NanoBioOnco: Adequació d’espais i d’infraestructures (incloent-hi equipament bàsic de recerca) per ampliar els espais que Leitat
SERha Patterns of cellular and molecular senescence in Rheumatoid Arthritis and study of its response to an autologous serum enriched
AGRISOL Investigación y desarrollo de nuevas metodologías, procesos y componentes para la optimización de la tecnología agrovoltaica. El presente proyecto
PROYECTO SMARTLUX Artificial Intelligence-driven SMARTWindows for Dynamic Control of Solar Radiation fLUX ABSTRACT SMARTLUX project aims to develop a new
NAUTILUS Biobased and biodegradable antifouling paints for marine applications ABSTRACT The objective of NAUTILUS is to develop and verify the
3DFOOD-EVOLUTION Design of innovative 3D printed food formulations based on functional ingredients for personalized nutrition solutions of specific target populations.
PV4INKS Photovoltaic panels valorisation for the formulation of silver nanoparticle inks. ABSTRACT The project PV4INKS aims to perform valorisation routes
RESIFIELD Decision support system to soil bioremediation, irrigation and fertilization based on bigdata analysis to climate change adaptation. ABSTRACT The
r-PHOTCRETE New photocatalytic and self-cleaning constructive solution for façade cladding based on a new concrete with recycled TIO2 from waste
Projecte GO DIIANA Recentment s’ha iniciat el projecte GO DIIANA que té per títol “Desenvolupament d’una cadena de valor circular
Abstract: The main objective of AQMET Project is to investigate and develop an integrated technology to treat waste waters produced
ASFREE Filters with Nanofibers to Remove Arsenic in Polluted Water ABSTRACT Project Budget: 99.896,10€ Leitat Budget: 56.000€ Financial Framework: PRODUCTE
CIRCULARTECH Study to promote the circular economy in the technical textiles sector Website: textils.cat/circulartech/circulartech-objectius/ ABSTRACT The project carries out a
MATEX Research in new MAterials (composite, graphenic & ceramic) and TEXtiles for professional clothing protection against projectiles, environment, fire and
LUBRINTEL New intelligent lubrication systems for metal processing ABSTRACT The global market demand for lubricants is estimated at 38 million
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