Finalitza el Projecte GO-DIIANA
Recentment ha finalitzat el projecte GO DIIANA format per les empreses ZYRCULAR PLANT i IBERINSECT, com a socis industrials, i LEITAT com a
Recentment ha finalitzat el projecte GO DIIANA format per les empreses ZYRCULAR PLANT i IBERINSECT, com a socis industrials, i LEITAT com a
Calable solutions Optimisation and decision tool Creation for low impact SAF Production chain from a lIpid-rich microalgae sTrain Website: https://releafproject.eu/
Valorization of Agro-Industrial Waste through Fungi Fermentation supported by Digital Modeling Website: https://zest-project.eu/ Abstract: The world’s ever-growing population demands an
Knowledge and innovative solutions in agriculture for water availability and quality Website: https://universwater.eu/ Abstract: Water quality and quantity are under arising
Safe and sustainable by design microbial and lignin-based biosurfactants sourced from sustainable feedstock for home, personal care and agrochemical application
FERTIMANURE Innovative Nutrient Recovery From Secondary Sources – Production Of High-added Value FERTilisers From Animal MANURE Website: fertimanure.eu/en/ ABSTRACT Total
IFISHIENCI Intelligent Fish Feeding Through Integration Of Enabling Technologies And Circular Principle Website: ifishienci.eu ABSTRACT iFishIENCi will deliver breakthrough innovations
Turning food waste into sustainable soil improvers for better soil health and improved food systems Website: https://waste4soil.eu/ Abstract: Waste4Soil envisions
SOILGUARD Sustainable Soil Management To Unleash Soil Biodiversity Potential And Increase Environmental, Economic And Social Wellbeing. Website: soilguard-h2020.eu ABSTRACT SOILGUARD
PHY2CLIMATE A Global Approach For Recovery Of Arable Land through Improved Phytoremediation Coupled With Advanced Liquid Biofuel Production And Climate
ASTRAL All Atlantic Ocean Sustainable, Profitable And Resilient Aquaculture. Website: https://www.astral-project.eu/ ABSTRACT ASTRAL will develop new, sustainable, profitable and resilient
PATH2DEA Paving The Way Towards Digitalisation Enabling Agroecology For European Farming Systems Website: www.path2dea.eu ABSTRACT The potential of agroecological farming
SOLO Soils for Europe Website: https://soils4europe.eu/ ABSTRACT Soils are under multiple pressures, including climate change, urbanization, pollution, overexploitation, and biodiversity
ASTRAL Winter School ASTRAL The ASTRAL project is delighted to invite you to participate in the in-person Winter School titled
HEATERNAL kick off meeting The innovative High tEmperAture ThErmal stoRage for iNdustrial AppLications project ambition is to propose a viable
Lebanon Innovate – Press Release Lebanon Innovate Lebanon innovate: Revitalizing Lebanon’s entrepreneurial ecosystem and productive sectors. On March 8th, the
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