HelloAI The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare www.helloai.info Today, a perfect storm of economic, demographic, technological, and environmental factors
HelloAI The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare www.helloai.info Today, a perfect storm of economic, demographic, technological, and environmental factors
BASE3D ABSTRACT Els projectes que formen part de l’agrupació BASE3D es basen en diferents contextos a desenvolupar. Si bé l’objectiu
LOOMING FACTORY Tecnologies emergents alineades amb les necessitats i els nous reptes industrials derivats de la transformació digital ABSTRACT Els
ELSAH Electronic smart patch system for wireless monitoring of molecular biomarkers for healthcare and wellbeing Website: www.elsah.researchproject.at ABSTRACT ELSAH realizes
BEHEALSY Biomedical Engineering and Health Systems Website under construction ABSTRACT The BeHealSy PhD program is designed to raise a new
LISA Lithium sulphur for safe road electrification Website: www.lisaproject.eu ABSTRACT Li-ion batteries are still the limiting factor for mass scale
iRECEPTOR PLUS Architecture and tools for the query of antibody and T-cell receptor sequencing data repositories for enabling improved personalized
GOV4NANO Implementation of Risk Governance: meeting the needs of nanotechnology www.gov4nano.eu ABSTRACT Gov4Nano will design and establish a well-positioned and
Living Labs & Test Beds 2019 A novel approach to support the innovation processes in health and healthcare sectors, based
INFINITY Intelligent system to empower functional independence of people with mild cognitive impairments Website: www.infinityeit.eu ABSTRACT INFINITy will enable people
REPAIR 3D Recycling and Repurposing of Plastic Waste for Advanced 3D Printing Applications ABSTRACT The project aims the development of
PREVENTOMICS Empowering consumers to PREVENT diet-related diseases through OMICS sciences Website: preventomics.eu PREVENTOMICS builds a new paradigm in preventive personalised
IFISHIENCI Intelligent Fish Feeding through Integration of Enabling Technologies and Circular Principle Website: ifishienci.eu iFishIENCi will deliver breakthrough innovations supporting
RESALTO Sustainable Road Elements for Speed Reduction ABSTRACT FCC Construcción, with the support of Leitat, develops new sustainable elements that
HAIRMATE Hybrid Aircraft Seating Manufacturing and Testing Website: hairmate-project.com HAIRMATE project aims to design and manufacture moulds for manufacturing and
LIBERATE Lignin Biorefinery Approach using Electrochemical Flow Website: www.liberate-project.eu Liberate represents a powerhouse consortium, including three major multinational chemical companies,
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