Innovation Eco-system to Accelerate the Industrial Uptake of Advanced Surface Nano- Technologies.
Key Enabling Technologies (KET’s) deployment will be the driving force for a significant part of the goods and services that will be available in the market in the next decade. Amongst KET’s, nano-enabled surfaces and membranes must be highlighted due to their huge potential to offer material solutions to address Sustainable Development Goals resulting in positive and sound impacts for the society and key industrial sectors. NewSkin aims to create an Open Innovation Test Bed (OITB) to provide the Innovation Ecosystem with the necessary resources and services to uptake a set of game changing, efficient and cost-effective innovative processes to manufacture nano-enabled industrial and consumer products.
During the Grant execution, the Consortium partners will create an OITB, as well as its structure and procedures establishing a single-entry point, and will validate the OITB capacity to provide services to the I.E executing 165 showcases. After the Grant execution the OITB aims to generate €66.17 million revenues in 5 years creating a €6.7 billion KET market to be absorbed by an end user market of valued at €1 trillion. In 2029, end users markets will obtain economic benefits of about €52.6 billion savings per year mostly devoted to lower energy consumption, increased resources efficiency as well as a reduction of the carbon and volatiles footprint of 184CO2 MT per year and 0.57 MT of VOC’s per year.
Project Budget: 15.618.250,89€
Leitat Budget: 1.250.995€
Financial Framework: Horizon 2020
Contract number: 862100
Start Date: 01/04/2020
End Date: 31/03/2024