AEI / Resum Projectes


Predicció dels efectes del canvi climàtic en el microbioma dels cultius i els efectes en cascada en la prestació de

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ZABAT Project

ZABAT Project Next generation rechargeable and sustainable zinc-air batteries (ZABAT) Popular Science Description Energy storage technologies are essential to reach

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SERha Patterns of cellular and molecular senescence in Rheumatoid Arthritis and study of its response to an autologous serum enriched

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AGRISOL Investigación y desarrollo de nuevas metodologías, procesos y componentes para la optimización de la tecnología agrovoltaica. El presente proyecto

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PROYECTO SMARTLUX Artificial Intelligence-driven SMARTWindows for Dynamic Control of Solar Radiation fLUX ABSTRACT SMARTLUX project aims to develop a new

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NAUTILUS Biobased and biodegradable antifouling paints for marine applications ABSTRACT The objective of NAUTILUS is to develop and verify the

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3DFOOD-EVOLUTION Design of innovative 3D printed food formulations based on functional ingredients for personalized nutrition solutions of specific target populations.

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PV4INKS Photovoltaic panels valorisation for the formulation of silver nanoparticle inks. ABSTRACT The project PV4INKS aims to perform valorisation routes

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RESIFIELD Decision support system to soil bioremediation, irrigation and fertilization based on bigdata analysis to climate change adaptation. ABSTRACT The

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r-PHOTCRETE New photocatalytic and self-cleaning constructive solution for façade cladding based on a new concrete with recycled TIO2 from waste

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SMARTGAZE II Sistema de movilidad autónoma y segura para personas con baja visión en entornos urbanos. ABSTRACT Biel Glasses ha

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ZoonDx project ZoonDx Development of immunologic diagnostic tools for the detection of zoonotic pathogens in humans, companion and farm animals.

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TEAMS project TEAMS Testing Antibodies in Multiple Sclerosis ABSTRACT This project stems from an urgent need of novel therapies in

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PIVAX Project PIVAX Design of a new vaccine against an infectious disease ABSTRACT The main objective of PIVAX project is

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ONCO_IVD PROJECT ONCO_IVD Point-of-care (PoC) in vitro diagnostic device for the screening of colorectal cancer using tumour derived extracellular vesicles

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OASIS PROJECT OASIS Multidisciplinary approach for the development of Artificial Intelligence tools to improve the diagnosis and prognosis of OsteoArthritis

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