
The main objective of AQMET Project is to investigate and develop an integrated technology to treat waste waters produced at the energy industry. This integrated solution will lead to the reuse of Waters for irrigation and the recovery of metals for industrial uses (metalurgical and chemical industry).

The strategy ¨Towards Zero Waste¨ of AQMET Project fosters minimization of primary raw materials consumption, low-cost energy technologies and metals recovery and valorization.

To this aim, AQMET will develop several strategic R+D actions addressing following objectives:

  1. Characterization of wáter composition, in order to define the most suitable treatment strategy.
  2. Design and development of a solution to reuse industrial waters coming from two main sources: (1) cooling system of a biomass energy recovery process and (2) waste waters coming from the process water conditioning (neutralization, decantation and sand filters).
  3. Design and develop a valorization route of metalic hidroxides (Fe, Cu and Mn) contained in the waters coming from washed sand filters and decanter tanks (Waters enriched in metalic hidroxides).
  4. Evaluate the feasibility of a potential industrial scale-up of AQMET integral solution, from a tecno-economic, environmental and social impact perspective.


Project Budget: 561.649,70€

LEITAT Budget: 221.866,70€

Financial Framework: RTC

Contract number: RTC2019-007372-5

Start Date: 01/10/2020

End Date: 30/09/2023

Contact Manager: Iván Ortiz

Partners: (Kemtecnia Coordinator)

Proyecto RTC2019- 007372-5 financiado por:

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