Horizon 2020 International Climate Helix Event in Valencia

Vision2020: The Horizon Network will hold its second Climate Helix Event at the University of Valencia Botanic Garden, on 29th and 30th June, kindly hosted by the Institute for Ceramic Technology (Instituto de Tecnología Cerámica – ITC) and Climate KIC Spain. If you want to meet us there, get in touch with us.

LEITAT had the opportunity to present the results of the REMANENCE project to the participants of this meeting.

The objective of the event is to promote networking between researchers and business representatives in order to form consortia for the forthcoming Horizon 2020 funding opportunities.

As part of the registration, please indicate if you wish to attend both days of the event or only Day 1 (June 29th: Climate services, Earth Observation, and Nature-based solutions for territorial resilience) or only Day 2 (June 30th: Sustainable Processes, Low Carbon Europe, Resource efficiency, and Raw Materials).

If you have any questions about the event, please contact Celia and Emilie at climatehelix@itc.uji.es and Julia at contact@2020visionnetwork.eu.

Click here for more information and registration.

Últimes notícies
