Sustainable aviation and shipping fuels from microalgae and direct solar BES technologies
ALGAESOL will develop and evaluate several solutions for the sustainable conversion of sunlight into fuels. The project will advance current state-of-the-art by creating and consolidating new value chains for shipping and aviation fuels based on micro-algae and direct solar renewable fuel technologies. ALGAESOL will reduce production costs by 25%and improve efficiency of converting solar energy, carbon dioxide (CO2) and organic wastes into renewable methanol (CH3OH), methane (CH4) and biooils, forming the basis for aviation and shipping fuels. Various systems (biologic, photoelectrochemical, electrochemical and bioelectrochemical) will be evaluated and smart reactor design will be combined with process improvements. Targeted are microbial contamination control strategies, the increase solar to chemical energy conversion efficiencies, and improved algal strains to generate lipid superproducers will facilitate extraction, followed by innovative purification and hydro-processing technology to deliver the fuels. Enhanced sustainability of the developed fuels, is also based on a circular bio economy approach by using waste streams and about 80% of residual biomass generate in the ALGAESOL value chain will be re-circulated as input for the conversion process. The economic and environmental, as well as social sustainability will guide the design and scale-up at process level and for the whole value chain in alignment with the European Green Deal priorities. Used will be computational modelling and process simulations, Life Cycle Analysis (LCA), Life Cycle Costs (LCC), and Social Life Cycle Analysis (S-LCA) as well as practical engineering approaches. Through this approach is the overall reduction of the environmental impact when producing biofuels expected to be about 20% relative to today’s processes. The project will reinforce the European scientific basis, technology leadership and competitiveness through international collaborations.
Leitat’s Role in the Project:
Leitat’s primary role and contribution to the project focuses on implement strategies to improve light harvesting both at component and BES reactor level, to couple photoanodes with CO2-electroreduction into methanol (P-EC system), to couple photoanodes with CO-2 bioelectroconversion into methane (P-BE system), to increase the conversion efficiency of organic matter waste generated in ALGAESOL processes into CH4, by AD+BES, achieving close to biomethane standard quality.
Project Budget: 3,997,156.25€
Leitat Budget: 979,847.50€
Financial Framework: HORIZON EUROPE
Contract number: 101147112
Start Date: 01/05/2024
End Date: 30/04/2027

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.