caLIBRAte 12M meeting in Barcelona: a risk governance framework for nanomaterials

On the 8th-10th of May 2017, the caLIBRAte consortium met in Barcelona for its 3rd general assembly. The members presented their scientific results after the first year of the project. Amongst these tasks are the caLIBRAte horizon scanning tool, the HRA and ERA models as well as the control branding models. In addition, the project conducts qualitative interviews of various stakeholders to map the current needs, collects data necessary for the framework, and maps the current value-chain cases studies available.

 The advisory board of the project also participated actively in the meeting, which was of a great input for the consortium.

The objective of the caLIBRAte project is to establish a state-of-the-art versatile Risk Governance framework for assessment and management of human and environmental risks of MN and MN-enabled products.

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