Study to promote the circular economy in the technical textiles sector


The project carries out a study to promote the circular economy in the technical textile sector. The project has the support of the Waste Agency of Catalonia, with aid for the promotion of circular economy projects. The aim of the project is to develop a sector study, where we can identify what barriers the sector has to implement the circular economy and detect circular practices applicable to the specificity of the sector. This study aims to contribute to the transition to a circular business model with actions applicable to raw materials, production processes, product use and end of life.
The study includes three actions for gathering information:

  • Interviews with key agents in the territory. So far, the administration has had the participation of the Department of Territory and Sustainability of the Generalitat and ACCIÓ (Agency for the Competitiveness of the company), research centers and business associations.
  • Surveys of companies in the sector online. If you are a company in the sector and want to collaborate with the project in the following link you can answer the short survey.
  • Ten visits / diagnoses to companies in the sector are also planned, in order to know first hand actions within the framework of the EC and to detect possible actions to be applied.

The data collected in these actions will be collected in the final document, the study, in order to show the current situation of the circular economy in the sector and the path taken so far as well as identify actions that are for other motor companies. of traction towards this production model.

Financial Framework: ARC

Start Date: 01/01/2020

End Date: 31/12/2020

Contact Manager: S. Puerto

With the support of the Catalan Waster Agency of the Generalitat de Catalunya.

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