Deadline Extension for Abstract Submission – Nanomaterials Safety Assessment Conference

NMSA Conference Malaga

The Call for Abstracts for the New Tools and Approaches for Nanomaterial Safety Assessment: A joint conference organized by NANOSOLUTIONS, SUN, NanoMILE, GUIDEnano and eNanoMapper has been extended, and now closes on Friday, 21 October 2016.

Conference topics

Jointly organized by five major FP7 projects NANOSOLUTIONS, SUN, NanoMILE, GUIDEnano and eNanoMapper, the conference aims at presenting the main results achieved in the course of the projects fostering a discussion about their impact in the nanosafety field and possibilities for future research programmes. The conference welcomes consortium partners from the organizing projects, as well as representatives from other EU projects, industry, government, civil society and media. Accordingly, topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:

  • Hazard assessment along the life cycle of nano-enabled products
  • Exposure assessment along the life cycle of nano-enabled products
  • Risk assessment & management
  • Systems biology approaches in nanosafety
  • Categorization & grouping of nanomaterials
  • Nanosafety infrastructure
  • Safe by design

Conference highlights

  • 10 Scientific Sessions
  • 5 Keynote presentations
  • Stakeholders workshop
  • Over 300 attendees

Stakeholders workshop

The conference will be wrapped up with a stakeholder workshop which will provide a platform for an open discussion with interested stakeholders that could ultimately guide the research needs that should be addressed in future projects.

Further information

For more information please visit:

Please feel free to distribute the conference flyer to your colleagues!

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