High performance MOF and IPOSS enhanced membrane systems as next generation CO2 capture technologies

Atmospheric warming due to greenhouse gases has become a serious global concern. The shifting from fossil fuel to renewable energy has been slow mostly due to technological barriers. Meanwhile, the demand for energy is growing rapidly which makes fossil fuel consumptions inevitable, in spite of their high emission of GHC. Therefore, there is need for an immediate-medium term solutions to address CO2 emission of fossil fuel plants fast and in a cost effective way.

CO2 capture technologies recognized one of the direct answers to this problem. Currently, CO2 capture technologies have been adopted in different parts of the world but still there is a long way to reach their full potential. Some of the most important barriers are large energy requirements and high cost. Advanced material solutions can play a significant role in price reduction and increase of efficiency and enable industries to use fossil fuel while reduce emission of GHC drastically.

GENESIS project aims to develop and upscale some of the most promising material for CO2 capture and demonstrate their performance, durability and reliability in industrial environments. GENESIS is build upon two previous ambitious EU projects that developed IPOSS and MOF membrane systems with a great performance for CC.

GENESIS will take these technologies a step further by scaling up the most promising ones by demonstrating in relevant 0.45 MWe capture process for pre-combustion and 2 post-combustion applications and achieve at least 90% of CO2 recovery at a cost of 15€/MWh in two carbon intensive industries (Cemex & Arcelormittal). GENESIS is building upon a multidisciplinary team of European technology centers, large enterprises, SMEs in a cross-border project.

This will guarantee that the successful implementation of GENESIS and ensure the ambitious objectives will be achieved and impact will be realized in terms of a rapid market penetration of the developed materials and systems by overcoming technological barriers.

Project Budget: 7’999’833 €

LEITAT Budget: 724’918 €

Financial Framework: Horizon 2020

Contract number: 760899

Start Date: 01/01/2018

End Date: 31/12/2021


Contact Manager: M. Passarello

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 760899. This publication reflects only the author’s views and the European Union is not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

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