Info Day: Opportunities in Horizon 2020 for SC1 2018-20

The opening of calls for the Social Challenge Work Program 1 for the years 2018 to 2020 of Horizon 2020 is imminent as it is scheduled for December 2017. For this occasion, on the 21st of September, an informative session will take place to explain the topics planned as well as financing instruments, and share experiences with beneficiaries and evaluators experienced in the field of health such as our health expert Dr. Izabel Alfany. The session will be attended by Juan Riese, National Contact Point for Social Challenge 1, and Gonzalo Arévalo, National Contact Point for legal and financial matters, both located at the Carlos III Health Institute.

Date: September 21, 2017

Location: Sala Pau Viladiu, Duran i Reynals Hospital, Catalan Institute of Oncology, Granvia de L’Hospitalet 199-203, L’Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona

Registration session attendance: Registration form

Review of proposals: Juan Riese will meet from 12:00 AM to 2:00 PM with the staff interested in presenting proposals. Those interested must previously communicate their interest through the registration form. The meetings will have a maximum duration of 20 minutes and will be assigned until six initial meetings are planned.

Session program:

10:20 Welcome

Speaker: Gabriel Capellá, Director of IDIBELL

10:30 Legal and financial matters in H2020 of interest to entities of the biomedical field

Speaker: Gonzalo Arévalo, National Contact Point for legal and financial matters

11:20 Coffee break networking

11:45 Opportunities planned for Social Challenge 1 2018-2020 and other programs

Speaker: Juan Riese, National Contact Point of Health, ISCIII

12:45 Round table: beneficiaries and evaluators of H2020 projects in health

Speakers: Izabel Alfany, LEITAT Health. Project Evaluator H2020. Dr. Felipe García, Infectious Diseases Service of the Clinic Hospital / IDIBAPS. Project coordinator FP7 and H2020.

13:45 End of the session

More information here

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