LEBANON INNOVATE project starts!

Building an enabling ecosystem for intellectual property and knowledge transfer in Lebanon.

The Lebanon Innovate project, in which Leitat is one of the main partners, has recently started.
Levanon Innovative it’s a 42-month program funded by the European Union to revitalize the Lebanese entrepreneurial ecosystem and the productive sectors. The program, based on an innovation roadmap, fosters innovation through supporting Intellectual Property (IP) and knowledge transfer allowing the country to become a knowledge-driven digital nation at the front end of innovation.

The program aims at supporting the transformation of innovations and technological findings emerging from universities into market-ready products and commercial ventures to boost the Lebanese productive sectors.

The overall objective is to empower an interconnected Innovation Ecosystem in Lebanon to enhance economic growth and foster a sustainable and inclusive socio-economic recoveryand employment. In this regard, the specific objectives of the program that Will lead to this overall objective are the following:

• Improving competitiveness of the industrial sector targeting agrifood, healthcare, ICT, and the creative and cultural sectors;
• Capacitating stakeholders to create and share knowledge, and commercialize technologies; 
• Strengthening partnerships between industry and academia to promote innovation and knowledge transfer;
• Establishing linkages and exchange with European countries and diaspora networks to access international markets.

As a result of the development of this program, Lebanese society will benefit from the socio-economic growth induced by the entire ecosystem, with advancements in the priority sectors directly impacting the general public, besides job creation and a workforce with enhanced skills in specific industry and innovation sectors.

If you are you interested on the program and you want to be part and grow the Lebanese knowledge innovation community let’s contact HERE 

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