The European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference (EU PVSEC) is one of the top international conferences for photovoltaic research, technologies, applications, and international PV industry exhibitions. In one week of conference, the global PV community gathers to network and to present and discuss the latest developments and innovations in photovoltaics.
Within the ERG project – Energy for a Green Society – (Eniac JU 2010), LEITAT Technological Center, jointly with SolarPrint, has developed a benchmark for a-Si and DSSC (Dye Sensitized Solar Cells) for indoor applications. This work was selected from 1,752 research and industry abstracts from 76 countries to be presented in an oral session. All abstracts were reviewed and scored by the international Scientific Committee, made up of more than 200 leading research and industry experts from the global PV community.
The abstract entitled Stability of Dye Sensitized Solar Cells for Indoor Applications: A Comparison with Amorphous Silicon under Low Irradiation was presented during the Organic-based PV & DSSC session on Thursday, 3rd October, by Mónica Della Pirriera (in the picture) and Pau Bosch-Jiménez, researchers from the Renewable Energy Group of R&D Department at LEITAT.
In the photovoltaic technologies (PV) sector, the existing standard tests for PV are intended to evaluate stability and performance for outdoor applications. The growth of the market for solar cells to power wireless sensors and portable electronic devices has required the design of standard tests to evaluate the stability and performance of PV in low irradiance or indoor conditions. With this abstract, LEITAT presents a design of an “indoor” ageing test to demonstrate the commercial viability of DSSC over a-Si modules under these conditions. The purpose of the work was, firstly, to demonstrate the necessity of low radiation standard tests to evaluate solar cells in indoor/low light conditions. Secondly, to demonstrate the commercial viability of DSSC photovoltaic technology, by specifically comparing it with silicon-based solar cells, for these low radiation applications. The results showed that DSSC modules, protected with a UV-blocking layer film, are more stable than a-Si and the total produced energy is comparable. This indicates that DSSC technology is competitive with a-Si, and given that a-Si is the most established and widely used PV technology for indoor commercial applications, these results indicate that DSSC modules are technically viable.
After the speech, many of the attendees expressed interest in the conclusions and the work done by LEITAT.