New resorbable bioceramic materials for bone fractures might soon enter the market

RESTORATION, a European research project, has developed new resorbable bioceramic materials that can be used in three different cases: the mandible, the vertebrae, and the knees. Thanks to the excellent project results, these products might be available on the market within a few years.

Barcelona, 22nd March 2016

The European research project RESTORATION has developed new resorbable ceramic biocomposites for orthopaedic and maxillofacial applications. These products mimic the structure of bones and are designed to closely match the mechanical requirements of implant sites. Additionally, some of the bioceramics are bioactive, meaning they can be fully absorbed by the body.

The project is now coming to an end, but some partners will exploit the project results and bring these new technologies to the market in the coming years. Depending on further progress, JRI Orthopaedics might create a spin-off for the industrial scale-up of products developed within the project. This includes a bioceramic material to be used as a bone filler and a 3D-printed plug to treat osteochondral defects. In parallel, Sagetis Biotech has developed a polymer paste, and Bionica Tech/COREP has created an osteoinductive composite cement called Spine-Ghost, both designed to be injected into broken vertebrae. Other technologies are at an earlier development stage and require further research to reach commercialization, such as a novel plate design for maxillofacial fracture fixation and an injectable material for osteochondral repair.

Kenny Dalgarno, Professor at Newcastle University and project coordinator, says: “The project has been a real success; all the partners have different interests in terms of exploitation, but they benefited from the expertise of others and developed strong research and business partnerships.”


The project involves, over a 4-year period, the following organizations: Newcastle University (project coordinator), JRI Orthopaedics, Sagetis Biotech, Universidade de Évora, Orla Protein Technologies, LEITAT, Karolinska Institutet, Bionica Tech/Corep, Institut Químic de Sarrià, Glass Technology Services, and FPO.

Watch the project video:


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Programme for research, technological development, and demonstration under grant agreement No 280575.

Press contact
Max Viallon
+34 93 788 23 00

This publication reflects only the author’s views, and the European Union is not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

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