Webinar: Nanotechnology and Industry for PhDs

Co-organized with SCN2 and with collaboration of Leitat

Date: 18th June 2020, from 16:00 to 18:30

Nowadays, Nanoscience has arise as one of the most applicable and innovative ways of designing new technologies. Nevertheless, the gap between basic research and industrial development is still an issue of concern. In this webinar, we will get insights on how research and different industrial profiles take profit from Nanotechnology, in order to generate useful products that will eventually reach the customer. 

Although the generation of applicable engines is one of the main objectives that lead research, basic nano-scientists aren’t usually familiar with the procedures that are required for transferring their discoveries from the laboratory to the customer. Questions like specific policies for industrial development of nanotechnological products, or the way how industries see the nanotechnologies that are actually being commercialized, are of huge relevance for researchers’ formation, and will be addressed on this webinar.

We will learn about how Nanotechnology is approached by pharmaceutical industries, spin offs and industrial research teams, from the point of view of PhD students and postdocs with academic formation on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology.

This event is also intended to offer a place for discussion, including a round table debate in which the aspects of research and industrial development of nanotechnologies, during and after the PhD, will be assessed. Open questions on moving from the academic research to industry will also be discussed.

The Catalan Society of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (SCN2) is a non-profit organization led by young researchers, which is devoted to promote, debate and connect Nanoscience and Nanotechnology in Catalonia. 


  • Àlex Julià, ICN2
  • Vicenç Pomar-Portillo, Leitat
  • Eloy Peña, Reig Jofre pharmaceutical company


  • Marta Delgà, ICN2
  • María Tenorio, ICN2
  • Elena Fernández, IDIBAPS


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