On the 13th and 14th of September 2016, the European Commission organises a workshop entitled Cross-cutting Key Enabling Technologies for Health. It will take place in Brussels, Avenue de Beaulieu 25. Click here to register or for more information. If you want to meet our Health Expert, do not hesitate to get in contact with her! She would be glad to meet you in person.
About the Workshop
The combination of various technologies in groups, commonly known as “Key Enabling Technologies (KETs)” is expected to bring unprecedented innovations in health and care. What is being done in Europe today to accelerate the development and the use of these advanced technologies, enabling new solutions for health and care? What role can Horizon 2020 play in supporting innovation hubs for health, in the development of smart connected devices and the digitisation of health and care? What are the opportunities for researchers and other actors in the field?
This workshop is structured in two parts:
Call Information and Networking (13 September, 13:30–17:00)
Information on Horizon 2020 Work Programme 2017 information on open calls and opportunities for networking:
The relevant call topics will be presented by the European Commission followed by Q&As. Then potential proposers and organisations offering proposal ideas, expertise and know-how, will have the opportunity of an elevator pitch, interaction with the European Commission officials and networking. On-line and on-site networking opportunities will be provided.
Stakeholders’ consultation on cross-KETs for Health: EU current position and future (14 September, 9:00–15:00)
The speakers will present the Visions and Strategic Research Agendas for shaping the future of healthcare and the role of medical technologies. They will present their priorities for the years 2018–2020 and beyond.
The objective is to identify barriers to be overcome in transferring advanced innovative cross-KETs and system solutions to the healthcare market and into real field applications. Views of technology and service providers, system integrators, end-users and industry will be presented and discussed. The main topics to be addressed include Innovation Hubs for Health, Smart Connected Devices and Digitizing Smart Health & Care.
The related European Technology Platforms (ETPs) ETP-Nanomedicine, Photonics21, the European Platform on Smart Systems Integration (EpoSS), EUMAT and ESB (Biomaterials), COCIR (tbc) and other public and private organisations and initiatives, will present their Visions and Strategic Research Agendas, focusing on Healthcare applications. The need for connected healthcare via eHealth, mHealth and telemedicine will be highlighted.
Furthermore, the Task Force for the nascent ‘Industrial Driven Initiative on Emerging and Strategic Technologies for Healthcare’ (‘IDI ESTHER’) will present the status of this initiative.
The need for connected healthcare via eHealth, mHealth and integrated care and the alignment with European Health policies and initiatives (e.g. the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing and the Blueprint of digital transformation in health and care) will be highlighted.
The Commission services will explain policies such as for Innovation Hubs for Health, Smart Connected Devices and Digitizing Smart Health & Care.
Source and more information on the European Commission website.