Leitat joins the TIC Catalunya Sud Cluster

Leitat Technological Center will join the Clúster TIC Catalunya Sud as a member this March. The agreement was finalized during the Mobile World Capital 2025 held in Barcelona after several working meetings between both entities to find ways of collaboration.

Leitat, founded in 1906 as a non-profit organization, is a technological center that offers solutions to companies and entities, aimed at generating competitive value and a sustainable future. With its headquarters in Terrassa, it has a presence in Anoia, Barcelona, Lleida, and Valencia. Leitat is one of the most prominent technological centers in Spain in terms of revenue and private billing, as well as in securing European projects.

Clúster TIC Catalunya Sud is an association that brings together the main technological companies and institutions in southern Catalonia. Founded in 2014, its objective is to strengthen the projection and competitiveness of the technological sector in the Tarragona region, attracting international projects and positioning the territory as a reference technological hub in Europe.

Currently, the cluster is composed of more than a hundred companies and institutions, which together employ approximately 21,000 professionals and generate a turnover of more than 2 billion euros nationally.

Jorge Velasco, Director of National Projects at Leitat, emphasized the willingness to “work with TICSud and open new avenues of collaboration with the ICT business ecosystem of Southern Catalonia.” The signing of the agreement at the MWC was also attended by Sergi Novo, manager of TICSud, and Paco Luengo, Leitat’s representative in Tarragona.

For his part, the president of Clúster TIC Catalunya Sud and CEO of Movertis, Pablo Mazón, highlighted that with Leitat’s incorporation into TICSud, “the Tarragona region is put on the map of one of the most powerful technological centers in the country, and we favor the attraction of projects to the territory.”

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