BETITEX Project, carried out by a European Consortium of 10 partners, aims to obtain textile materials protecting against ticks and bedbugs.

On 19th and 20th November took place in Terrassa (Barcelona, Spain) the kick-off meeting of the BETITEX project. The meeting was hosted by LEITAT Technological Center and GREMI TÈXTIL DE TERRASSA.

BETITEX is a research and development project cofunded by the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement nº 606517, with a total budget of 1.560.604 €.

BETITEX is coordinated by GREMI TÈXTIL DE TERRASSA (GREMI), a non-profit Catalan organization which joins more than 120 companies in the textile sector. Nine other partners complete the consortium: 3 textile associations (ATEVAL – Spain, CLUTEX – Czech Republic, and TEXCLUBTEC – Italy); 3 technological centers (INOTEX – Czech Republic and LEITAT and TECNALIA – Spain); and 3 SMEs (GEM’INNOV – France, NILKA – Turkey, and SILK&PROGRESS – Czech Republic).

The aim of the project is to obtain textile materials capable of providing protection against ticks and bedbugs, which are arthropods of medical and veterinary importance all over the world. It is expected to obtain high durability of slowly released repellent/insecticide effect.

The results of BETITEX will contribute to promoting a greener and more competitive economy as the final textile products will be as sustainable as possible by using natural, biodegradable, or recyclable textile materials in combination with authorized biocides and by using eco-friendly textile technologies.

Main application areas of BETITEX expected results are Personal Protective Equipment and Home Textiles.

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