EMIRI launches “EMIRI Tech Talk” starting with Batteries for Energy Storage (stationary & e-mobility)

EMIRI launches ‘EMIRI Tech Talk’ starting with Batteries for Energy Storage (stationary & e-mobility)! The objective of EMIRI Tech Talk is to offer EMIRI members an updated overview of insights on Technology, Key Players, Markets, and EU policies. EMIRI members, EU Commission officials, as well as other selected stakeholders are invited to attend.

Participants in the ‘EMIRI Tech Talk’ are also invited to the ‘European Workshop on Nanotechnologies & Advanced Materials for Batteries’ which follows the ‘EMIRI Tech Talk’ (on Feb. 23rd & 24th at Umicore HQ). The Workshop is organized by three EU projects (MAT4BAT, ALION, BASMATI) with support from CEA, LEITAT, EMIRI, and the EU Commission DG R&I. It will include presentations of FP7 & Horizon 2020 projects by their project coordinators and will give participants an overview of EU projects (current status and R&I needs). During the workshop, input will also be gathered to provide recommendations to the EU Commission on how to tackle the Energy Storage challenge from the perspective of Advanced Materials.

On Feb. 23rd, 2017, from 10:00 to 13:00, including a networking lunch at Umicore Headquarters, Rue du Marais 31, 1000 Brussels – B. For more information – fabrice.stassin@emiri.eu

Draft Agenda

  • EMIRI – Fabrice STASSIN – Opening words and short introduction to EMIRI (10 min)
  • EU Commission DG R&I Directorate ‘Industrial Technologies’ – tbc – Advanced Materials for Energy Storage in Horizon 2020 (10 min)
  • SUSTESCO – Marcel MEEUS – Masterclass on Battery Technologies and Markets (1 hour)
  • Coffee Break (20 min)
  • EASE – Patrick CLERENS – Overview of EU policies framing energy storage (emphasis on batteries) (20 min)
  • EGVIA – tbc – Overview of e-mobility in Europe (20 min)
  • EU Commission Joint Research Centre – Vangelis TZIMAS – Assessment of potential bottlenecks along the materials supply chain for the future deployment of low-carbon energy and transport technologies in the EU with a focus on batteries (20 min)
  • EU Commission Joint Research Centre – Vangelis TZIMAS – Transforming the European Energy System through innovation (Integrated SET Plan progress in 2016) (20 min)
  • UMICORE – Jan TYTGAT – End-of-life and recycling of Li-ion batteries (20 min)
  • Networking Lunch (1h)
  • Kick-off of European Workshop on Advanced Materials for Batteries (to finish on February 24th with lunch)

EMIRI represents more than 60 organizations (industry, research, associations) active in Advanced Materials for low carbon energy technologies. The association contributes to the industrial leadership of developers, producers, and users of Advanced Materials by shaping an appropriate innovation, manufacturing, and energy policy framework at the European level. In the frame of Horizon 2020, EMIRI collaborates with the European Commission to develop the Innovation Pillar on Advanced Materials for low carbon energy proposed in the EMERIT Industry-Driven Initiative.

Download the official agenda here.

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