Smart System Integration: EPoSS Annual Forum 2016 in Lecce, Italy on 13-14 October 2016

The European Technology Platform on Smart Systems Integration – EPoSS – will celebrate its 10th anniversary with the General Assembly and Annual Forum titled “Bridging the Gap between Research and Applications: Smart Systems Interconnected.” If you want to meet our ICT expert there, contact us!

Under the title “Bridging the Gap between Research and Applications: Smart Systems Interconnected,” the programme of this year’s Annual Forum will focus on Smart Systems solutions enabling breakthroughs in a series of research and application areas.

At the event, EPoSS will also take the opportunity to present its new Strategic Research Agenda, feature the long-time co-operation with other ETPs and organisations, and create new partnerships.


Registration is now open!

To register, please use the following link: EPoSS Annual Forum Registration

Call for Presentations

The Call for Presentations targets best practice examples and experiences that can be transferred to and exploited by a multitude of Smart Systems applications.

If you wish to participate in the Call for Presentations, please send the proposed title of your presentation, an abstract of 1500 – 3000 characters, along with your full contact details, a short biography, and a photo to the EPoSS Office at by 12 September 2016.

Further information and documents can be found here.

Draft Programme

An overview of the programme can be found here.

For a more detailed draft programme, please click here.


The EPoSS Annual Forum will take place at the Hotel Patria Palace in Lecce, Italy. More information on the venue can be found here.

Social Event

On the first day of the conference, all participants are invited to join our social event, which consists of a tour through Otranto and a dinner at Augustus Resort in Santa Cesarea Terme. More information on the social event can be found here.

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