LEITAT´s partipation in Cleansky General Forum & Infoday

The Clean Sky 2 General Forum and Information Day took place on 20th,21st Of November in Brussels. The event was attended by roughly 300 participants summarising the outcome and evaluation of current Cleansky and also about the preparations for Clean Sky 2.In the presence of a large number of Members, the management of Clean Sky Joint Undertaking presented a general update about the current Clean Sky programme, the stay of play of 2013 activities and an overview of the budget.

The General Forum also heard a report from the National States Representatives Group and the outcome of the Second Interim Assessment report of CSJU. Several workshops in the afternoon gave Clean Sky’s Members the opportunity to debate both technical and procedural issues, key to improve the programme.LEITAT participated in dedicated workshop for dissemination and IPs related issues in Cleansky Projects.

LEITAT has been involved in current cleansky programme in few projects working with Dassault Aviation for the development of coatings for aircraft fuel tanks and with Zodiac Aerospace for development of electromechanical de-icing system components.(more info in project sections)

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